Chess Board
[ECO code E76 > 79] Do not scroll the screen..! Move Move Move Move Here Move Here
KING'S INDIAN DEFENCE - Classical line
The Four Pawns Attack

Black's QP push to deter 5.P-K5 also freed his QB.
White advances his KBPawn for the strong Four Pawns' Attack rather than the Classical or flexible Averbakh lines, although the impressive wall puts him behind in development and is a target. W-Alt.
    White  Black	White  Black
 1. P-Q4   Kt-KB3    5.	P-B4!?
 2. P-QB4  P-KKt3
 3. Kt-QB3 B-Kt2
 4. P-K4   P-Q3	  Transp.from Mod.Def.

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You can do better than that! Try another move!!

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When castling always touch the king first
Under FIDE laws of chess, if a player deliberately touches a rook and then his king, he is not allowed to castle on that side on that move but must still move the rook if legally possible.

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