Chess Board
[ECO code B03]
Four Pawns Attack

White develops his Queen's Rook to avoid the QKt threat (else 10..Kt-B7+ch forks White's R+K).
Black advances his QBPawn, threatening 11..PxP (so as to fork White's Kt+B), with a level position.
    White  Black	White  Black
 1. P-K4   Kt-KB3    6. BPxP   Kt-B3
 2. P-K5   Kt-Q4     7.	B-K3   B-B4
 3. P-Q4   P-Q3	     8.	Kt-QB3 P-K3
 4. P-QB4  Kt-Kt3    9. Kt-B3  Kt-Kt5
 5. P-B4   PxP	    10.	R-B1   P-B4

Example ends: Undo or Jump or Clear