Chess Board
[ECO code D07]
Main Line

White starts a Q-side probe, playing his Queen's Rook to QB1(c1) on the half-open QB-file.
Black's K2(e7) Knight move to QB1(c8) supports his other Kt and keeps his QBP free, with equality.
    White  Black     6.	P-K4   Kt-Q3
 1. P-Q4   P-Q4	     7.	Kt-B3  B-KKt5
 2. P-QB4  Kt-QB3    8.	Q-R4 ch B-Q2
 3. Kt-QB3 P-K4	     9.	Q-Kt3  P-KB3
 4. BPxP   KtxP	    10.	B-K3   Kt-K2
 5. P-K3   Kt-B4    11.	R-B1   Kt/Q2-B1

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