Chess Board
[ECO code D02 > 05] Do not scroll the screen..! Move Move Move Move Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here
(to) Colle System

White advanced his KKt to support his QP and dominate Black's K4(e5) square.
Black usually responds to White's potential Colle System by developing his King's Knight to KB3(f6) (inviting a B-KKt5 pin), in a move similar to White's and controlling his K4(e4). B-Alt.
     White   Black
 1.  P-Q4    P-Q4
 2.  Kt-KB3  Kt-KB3  Transp.from Indian

WHITE to Move or Undo or Jump or Clear
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Chess Board

WHITE moves Queen's Bishop:

B-B4 (f4) or B-Kt5 (g5) ?

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