Chess Board
[ECO code A89]
Leningrad System - Matulovic Variation

White's KB3(f3) Knight removes Black's knight on K5(e5), starting an initial minor piece exchange.
Black's Q3(d6) Pawn completes the exchange of knights on K4(e5), and ..P-K5 will set him for a K-side attack.
    White  Black	White  Black
 1. P-Q4   P-KB4     6.	0-0    P-Q3
 2. P-QB4  Kt-KB3    7.	Kt-B3  Kt-B3
 3. P-KKt3 P-KKt3    8.	P-Q5   Kt-K4
 4. B-Kt2  B-Kt2     9.	KtxKt  PxKt
 5. Kt-KB3 0-0

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