Chess Board
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Giuoco Piano (or Italian Game)

White varies the Giuoco to play the exciting Evans Gambit invented by Capt. W.D. Evans in 1824. With a Pawn to QKt4(b4) he offers to sacrifice it for a strong centre, fast developing and good open attacking chances after 4..BxKtP, 5.P-B3. W-Alt.
	White	Black
 1.	P-K4	P-K4
 2.	Kt-KB3	Kt-QB3
 3.	B-B4	B-B4
 4.	P-QKt4

BLACK to Move or Undo or Jump or Clear
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Chess Board

BLACK moves dark Bishop:

BxP (b4) or B-Kt3 (b6) ?

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Chess Board

BLACK moves to QKt4 (b4) with:

Bishop (c5) or Knight (c6) ?

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