Chess Board
[ECO code C01]
FRENCH DEF. to St. GEORGE DEF. (Three Pawns A.)

White advanced his QBP to a supported QB4(c4), set for a challenging attack if ..P-QKt4.
Black advances his Queen's Knight's Pawn to QKt4(b5) planning 4..B-Kt2 for his queen's bishop to counter-attack the centre, and transposes into the irregular (ie. rare) Three Pawns Attack line.
    White  Black    Transp.White Black
 1. P-K4   P-K3	    (1.	P-K4   P-QR3!?)
 2. P-Q4   P-QR3    (2.	P-Q4   P-QKt4 )
 3. P-QB4  P-QKt4   (3.	P-QB4  P-K3!? )

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