Chess Board
[ECO code C01]
FRENCH DEF. to St. GEORGE DEF. (Polish Var.)

White develops his King's Bishop to Q3(d3) to support his KP [4.Kt-QB3..P-Kt5!], and enables 0-0.
Black deploys his Queen's Bishop on QKt2(b7) to dominate the long light diagonal and target K5(e4), and transposes into the St. George main line.
    White  Black    Transp.White Black
 1. P-K4   P-K3	    (1.	P-K4   P-QR3!?)
 2. P-Q4   P-QR3    (2.	P-Q4   P-QKt4 )
 3. Kt-KB3 P-QKt4   (3.	Kt-KB3 B-Kt2  )
 4. B-Q3   B-Kt2    (4.	B-Q3   P-K3   )

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