Chess Board
[ECO code C50]
Evans Gambit (to Waller Attack / Normal Pos.)

White's Queen's Pawn now advances to Q4(d4) with triple support and attacks Black's centre KP.
Black's King's Pawn on K4(e5) removes White's QP, doubles up and attacks White's QBP.
    White  Black	White  Black
 1. P-K4   P-K4	     6.	P-B3   B-R4
 2. Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3    7.	P-Q4   PxP
 3. B-B4   B-B4
 4. 0-0    P-Q3
 5. P-QKt4 BxP	  Transp. 4W-7B route

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