Chess Board
[ECO code C53]
Strongpoint Defence

Black castled on the king's side of the board.
White develops his QKt to the rook-file (usually an inferior placing but quite powerful here), for later centralisation to K3(e3) with great effect. Equality.
    White  Black	White  Black
 1. P-K4   P-K4	     6.	0-0    P-Q3
 2. Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3    7.	P-KR3  Kt-B3
 3. B-B4   B-B4	     8.	R-K1   0-0
 4. P-B3   Q-K2	     9.	Kt-R3
 5. P-Q4   B-Kt3

Example ends: Undo or Jump or Clear