Chess Board
[ECO code C54] Do not scroll the screen..! Move Move Move Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here
White's pawn to QB3(c3) enabled a 5.P-Q4..PxP, 6.PxP exchange to carry an attack on the dark B.
Black develops a King's Knight counter attacking White's KP and enables ..0-0 (over closed 4..Q-K2 and 4..B-Kt3 lines) to defend his KBP. Can lead to a host of open lines with brilliant skirmishes. B-Alt.
	White	Black
 1.	P-K4	P-K4
 2.	Kt-KB3	Kt-QB3
 3.	B-B4	B-B4
 4.	P-B3	Kt-B3

WHITE to Move or Undo or Jump or Clear
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Chess Board

WHITE moves Queen's Pawn:

P-Q3 (d3) or P-Q4 (d4) ?

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