Chess Board
[ECO code C24]
BISHOP'S OPG. (Greco Gambit) to KGA. COZIO DEF.

White's KBP advance to KB4(f4) countered a 3..KtxP threat by attacking Black's KP - a delayed King's Gambit, offering a choice of two sacrificial pawns.
Black captures White's gambit pawn on KB4(f4) with his King's Pawn and transposes into the Cozio Defence of the King's Gambit Accepted. B-Alt.
    White  Black    Transp.White Black
 1. P-K4   P-K4		  (1.)
 2. B-B4   Kt-KB3   (2.	P-KB4  PxP   )
 3. P-B4   PxP	    (3.	B-B4   Kt-KB3)

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