Chess Board
[ECO code C30]
KGD. (Petrov's D.) to VIENNA GAME (Falkbeer V.)

Black declined White's KBP gambit with a rarer KKt development counter-attacking White's KP.
White transposes into the Falkbeer Variation of the Vienna Game by developing his Queen's Knight to QB3(c3) to support his earlier gambit KBP. W-Alt.
    White  Black    Transp.White Black
 1. P-K4   P-K4	    (1.	P-K4   P-K4  )
 2. P-KB4  Kt-KB3   (2.	Kt-QB3 Kt-KB3)
 3. Kt-QB3	    (3.	P-B4	     )

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