Chess Board
[ECO code C37] Do not scroll the screen..! Move Move Move Here Move Here Move Here
Muzio Gambit

Black's KKtP accepted White's gambit knight.
White best develops his Queen to remove Black's newly tripled KB6(f3) pawn, planning to attack up the f-file for mate on KB7(f7). W-Alt.
    White  Black	White  Black
 1. P-K4   P-K4	     6.	QxP
 2. P-KB4  PxP
 3. Kt-KB3 P-KKt4
 4. B-B4   P-Kt5
 5. 0-0!   PxKt

BLACK to Move or Undo or Jump or Clear
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Chess Board

BLACK moves Queen:

Q-K2 (Qe7) or Q-B3 (Qf6) ?

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