Chess Board
[ECO code C82]
Berlin Variation

White's centre Rook moves to K1(e1) to defend his suddenly unprotected KP.
Black pushes his Queen's Pawn on to Q5(d4) threatening White's QBP, with an interesting game
    White  Black     6.	P-Q4   P-QKt4
 1. P-K4   P-K4	     7.	B-Kt3  P-Q4!
 2. Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3    8.	PxP    B-K3
 3. B-Kt5  P-QR3     9.	P-B3   Kt-B4
 4. B-R4   Kt-B3    10. B-B2   B-Kt5
 5. 0-0    KtxP	    11.	R-K1   P-Q5

Example ends: Undo or Jump or Clear