Chess Board
[ECO code C41] Do not scroll the screen..! Move Move Move Move Move Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here
Main line

Black's QP push defended his KP and freed his QB.
White advances his Queen's Pawn to the centre, attacking Black's KP again with a threat to exchange pawns and then queens (preventing Black castling) so as to ultimately win a pawn by 6.KtxKP. W-Alt.
     White  Black
 1.  P-K4   P-K4
 2.  Kt-KB3 P-Q3  Transp.from Pillsb.D.
 3.  P-Q4	  Transp.from Cent.Game

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Chess Board

BLACK moves Queen's Knight:

Kt-QB3?! (Nc6?!) or Kt-Q2 (Nd7) ?

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