Chess Board
[ECO code A45]
INDIAN D. (Paleface A.) to K.IND. (Nimzowitsch A.)

Black (rarely) pushed his KKtPawn out to KKt3(g6), avoiding a likely Blackmar-Diemer Gambit and starting a King's Indian Defence fianchetto.
White transposes into the rare but usually sharp Nimzowitsch Attack by advancing his QBPawn to QB4(c4), contesting Black's Q4(d5).
    White  Black    Transp.White Black
 1. P-Q4   Kt-KB3   (1.	P-Q4   Kt-KB3)
 2. P-KB3  P-KKt3   (2.	P-QB4  P-KKt3)
 3. P-QB4	    (3.	P-KB3	     )

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