Chess Board
[ECO code B62]
SICILIAN DEF. - Richter-Rauzer Attack
The Margate Variation

Black's KP to K3(e6) for a small centre freed his KB for a 7..B-K2 half-unpin to threaten 8..KtxP, 9..BxB.
White develops his King's Bishop to QKt5(b5) to pin Black's QKt, and enables short castling. W-Alt.
    White  Black	White  Black
 1. P-K4   P-QB4     6.	B-KKt5 P-K3
 2. Kt-KB3 P-Q3	     7.	B-Kt5
 3. P-Q4   PxP
 4. KtxP   Kt-KB3
 5. Kt-QB3 Kt-B3

Example ends: Undo or Jump or Clear