Chess Board
[ECO code C47 > 49] Do not scroll the screen..! Move Move Move Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here
Leaving the "Épine Dorsale" White and Black each develop second Knights before Bishops (as recommended in basic principles of development) to defend their own KPs and pressure their opponent's. This position starts an opening known (due to its symmetry) as the Four Knights Game - regarded as sound but dull by top players. B-Alt.
     White   Black
 1.  P-K4    P-K4   Transp.from Petroff
 2.  Kt-KB3  Kt-QB3  Transp.from Vienna
 3.  Kt-B3   Kt-B3  Transp.from V.3Kts

WHITE to Move or Undo or Jump or Clear
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Chess Board

WHITE moves King's Bishop:

B-QKt5 (b5) or B-QB4 (c4) ?

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