Board Position
Named after the symmetrical position of all four knights in play by completion of move 3wb (shown left) following an initial couple of moves along the "Épine Dorsale" (a set of moves seen in many king's pawn openings).
Although not an aggressive (ie. sharp attacking) opening, it enables rapid development of pieces and is useful for beginners to study as the first few moves obey the general principles of development for chess opening theory. The early "Lopez 4Kts." variation can lead to the Symmetrical Variation or the Rubinstein Defence, while the "Scotch 4Kts." often brings the Belgrade Gambit rather than a transposed Scotch continuation.
Begin or Clear or Groups or see move: 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 to 3 Nc3 Nf6
(L.4Kts:) 4 Bb5 to
4..Bb4 5 0-0 0-0 6 d3 d6 7 Bg5 Bxc3 8 bxc3 Qe7 9 Re1 Nd8 10 d4 Ne6 11 Bc1 Rd8
4..Nd4 5 Nxe5 Qe7 6 f4 Nxb5 7 Nxb5 d6 8 Nf3 Qxe4+ 9 Kf2 Ng4+ 10 Kg1 Qc6
(S.4Kts:) 4 d4 exd4 5 Nd5 Be7 6 Bc4 0-0 7 0-0 d6 8 Nxd4 Nxd4 9 Qxd4 Nxd5 10 Bxd5 Nf6

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Board Position

Board Position
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(To) THE FOUR KNIGHTS GAME ("Épine Dorsale")

 1. P-K4...P-K4
attempts to occupy the centre with his King's Pawn, opening diagonals for his KB and Q and attacking squares Q5(d5) and KB5(f5).
Black has the same idea, replying with a mutual King's Pawn in an open defence (so termed because in an open game the centre tends to become opened up by pawn exchange rather than blocked by close play).

 2. Kt-KB3...Kt-QB3
brings his King's Knight closer to the centre and attacks a pawn, as per the golden rule: always develop with attack if possible.
Black defends the pawn and develops his Queen's Knight.

WHITE to Move or Jump or Clear
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