Diagram 1:
Diagram 2:
It is useful to know something of endgame theory - for example the situation
with blocked pawns.
Diag.1: Whoever moves, loses the pawn and the game.
Diag.2: Whoever moves, wins the pawn and the game
(eg. 1.Kf6..Kd4, 2.Kf5 resulting in diag.1).
Diag.3: Whoever moves wins the pawn, but the opponent is able to draw
the game (eg. 1.Kg5..Kd6, 2.Kf5..Kd7!, 3.Kxe5..Ke7 drawn).
Diag.4: With White to move it is drawn, but with Black to move Black
wins (eg. White to move: 1.Kg4!..Kd5 in the same way as in diag.3, but
Black to move: 1..Kc3!).