ChessOps assumes that the reader already knows how to play chess for
fun but now wants to learn know more about the game in depth.
Therefore this supporting section has links to basic page-information about
some of the rules, history and general background of chess - things of
further interest that are sometimes easily overlooked:
- Principles of Development
A summary of basic principles - how best to bring pieces into play.
- Notation
An introduction to the three main types of chess notation - how to record moves.
- History Of The Game
A brief outline of the history and development of the game, from earliest
times through to the modern day.
- Chess Terminology
An overview of certain certain words and phrases specific to chess.
- About Endgames
A brief description of the endgame phase (as opposed to the opening and the
middlegame) and some of the terms associated with it.
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Some Q&A's about best openings, chess rating, this site, copies etc. etc.