Section 1: BOARD BASICS No.1A - Ready... Get Set... Check! No.1B - How Many Squares? No.1C - Just How Many Pawns? No.1D - Algebraic Notation No.1E - Descriptive Notation No.1F - Note These Squares! No.1G - Forsyth Notation No.1H - Some Attack/Defence Systems Section 2: BEGINNING PLAY No.2A - Popular First Moves No.2B - Irregular (ie. Unusual) Starts No.2C - General Descriptions Of Play No.2D - Past European Developments No.2E - The Shape Of Things To Come? No.2F - Centering In On Pawn Formations No.2G - One or Two Horsemen No.2H - A Variety Of Bishops Section 3: KING AND CENTRE No.3A - Stepping Along The Dorsal Fin No.3B - Popular KP Open Games No.3C - More Regular KP Open Games No.3D - Regular Semi-Open KP Games No.3E - Berlin Defences (..Kt-KB3 vs. KP) No.3F - Early Centre Pawn Challenges No.3G - PxP -Which One Went Where? No.3H - So What If 2.P-K4 Is Played Next? Section 4: KING'S PAWN & GAMBIT No.4A - Famous KP Opening Gambits No.4B - Infamous Opening Gambits! No.4C - Transposed Openings No.4D - Stepping Into A King's Gambit No.4E - KGA - No KKt Gambit To Follow? No.4F - More Early KGA/KGD Responses No.4G - Classical KGA Lines After 3..P-Kt4 No.4H - KGA: Other Gambits After 3..P-Kt4 Section 5: THE SPANISH MAIN No.5A - To Ruy or Not to Ruy... No.5B - Answering The Ruy Lopez No.5C - Morphy Alternatives To 4..Kt-B3 No.5D - Morphy Divisions After 4..Kt-B3 No.5E - Ruy - After Five In The Morphy No.5F - Open Morphy - Given Nine Moves No.5G - Close Morphy - After Six Moves No.5H - Close Morphy - Given Nine Moves Section 6: OTHER KP COUNTRIES No.6A - Avoiding The Giuoco? No.6B - Talking Italian Piano No.6C - Evans Gambit Accepted Lines No.6D - Replies To The Two Knights' Defence No.6E - Attacking The Two Knights' Defence No.6F - Five Four Knights' Games No.6G - The Early Vienna Games No.6H - Scotch Games After 3..PxP Section 7: QUEEN'S PAWN & GAMBIT No.7A - Gambits With The QP No.7B - Meeting The Queen's Gambit No.7C - Non-Orthodox Queen's Gambit? No.7D - More "Orthodox" QGD Alternatives No.7E - Even More "Orthodox" QGD Trails No.7F - Last "Orthodox" QGD Hurdles No.7G - QGD Slav, Semi-Slav And Tarrasch No.7H - Queen's Pawn Game Lines Section 8: INDIAN TERRITORIES No.8A - Some QP Flank Defences No.8B - Indian Systems Of Defence No.8C - The King's Indian Defence No.8D - More Of The King's Indian No.8E - Grunfeld Def. Fencing No.8F - So What If 2..P-KKt3? No.8G - And What If 2..P-QKt3? No.8H - The Nimzo-Indian Defence Section 9: SEMI-CLOSE TO DUTCH No.9A - Franco-Indian 1.d4 e6 2.c4 Routes No.9B - The Dutch Defence - Early Lines No.9C - Dutch Defence - Later Lines No.9D - Staunton Gambit Goings-On No.9E - More Side Defences To 1.P-Q4 No.9F - Budapest Defence Directions No.9G - Torre and Trompowsky Bishops Section 10: THE SEMI-OPEN HALF No.10A - The Centre and Semi-Open Games No.10B - The French - Vive La Difference! No.10C - French Defence - Main Lines No.10D - French Defence - Early Variants No.10E - The Early Caro-Kann No.10F - Main Caro-Kann Directions No.10G - Alekhine D: The Knight's Tour No.10H - Alekhine Defence - In The Main Section 11: THE SICILIAN THING No.11A - Sicilian Defence - Yea or Nay? No.11B - Sicilian Defence - What's Happening? No.11C - Main Sicilian - Mainly What? No.11D - Main Sicilian - Five 5th Moves No.11E - In The Najdorf, After Six No.11F - Sicilian - The Richter-Rauzer Attack(s) No.11G - Sicilian - Outside The Main Section 12: THE ENGLISH AND RETI No.12A - English Opening Defences No.12B - Converting The English No.12C - English Opening - Early Lines No.12D - English - Four Knights' Paths No.12E - Reti Opening - The Gambit Answered No.12F - The Catalan And Similar Systems No.12G - Deeper In The Catalan Regions Section 13: BEWARE - ODDS & ENDS! No.13A - Riding On The Dorsal Fin No.13B - Gammy Bits With 3..P-B4 No.13C - Early Primates No.13D - A Small Zoo (Pets Corner) No.13E - A Medium Zoo (Things With Flaps) No.13F - A Big Menagerie No.13G - Noah's Ark And Other Traps No.13H - Poisoned Pawns Scores - Sectional and Overall! |
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