Chess Board
[ECO codes A56 > 79] Do not scroll the screen..! Move Move Move Move Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here
Hromadka (aka. Loose) Gambit (Declined)

Black's QBP tempted White's QP to move again.
White (best) ignores Black's offer of a QBP sacrifice and moves his threatened QPawn on to Q5(d5). The easiest response (but weakening his P structure), this line immediately leads to the Benko Gambit as well as Tal and Hromadka lines. W-Alt.
     White   Black
 1.  P-Q4    Kt-KB3
 2.  P-QB4   P-B4
 3.  P-Q5	  Transp.from Old Ben.

BLACK to Move or Undo or Jump or Clear
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Chess Board

BLACK moves King's Pawn:

P-K4 (e5) or P-K3 (e6) ?

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