Chess Board
[ECO code A02]
BIRD'S OPENING - From's Gambit
Fool's Mate

White's KRP was forced to take Black's sacrificial queen on KKt3(g3) so as to end the second check.
Black's Q3(d6) Bishop removes White's new KKtP with checkmate - an example of Fool's Mate in use, combined with a queen (or else bishop) sacrifice.
    White  Black       White  Black
 1. P-KB4  P-K4!?   5. P-Kt3 fcd QxP ch
 2. PxP    P-Q3	    6. PxQ fcd BxP mate
 3. PxP    BxP
 4. Kt-QB3?? Q-R5 ch  ANIMATED ROUTE

Checkmate: Undo or Jump or Mates or Clear