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The Boden-Kieseritzky Gambit (#1) - see #2

White's Queen's Knight develops to QB3(c3) as a target, letting Black keep his KP. If Black accepts the gambit by 4..KtxKt (usual) he must choose later either to return the P or try to defend it. An idea by Kiesertizky in 1848, analysed by Boden in 1851.
     White   Black
 1.  P-K4    P-K4
 2.  Kt-KB3  Kt-KB3
 3.  B-B4    KtxP
 4.  Kt-B3	   Transp.from Vienna

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Chess Board

BLACK moves king's-side Knight:

KtxKt (Nxc3) or KtxBP (Nxf2) ?

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