Chess Board
[ECO code C78]
The Möller Defence (aka. Neo-Archangel Var.)

Black develops his King's Bishop to the "classical" QB4(c5) position revived by Jurgen Möller, and enables castling. A line regarded as weaker than the more open 5..KtxP or the 5..P-QKt4 Archangel. White usually replies 6.KtxP or 6.P-B3. B-Alt.
    White  Black	White  Black
 1. P-K4   P-K4	     5.	0-0    B-B4
 2. Kt-KB3 Kt-QB3
 3. B-Kt5  P-QR3
 4. B-R4   Kt-B3

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