Chess Board
[ECO code C42]
PETROFF'S DEFENCE - (The) Side Variation
White's KB to Q3(d3) threatened BxKt and set 7.0-0.
Black's K5(e4) Knight returns to KB3(f6) - a bad move, giving White a French Exchange line with an advantageous two moves in hand! B-Alt.
    White  Black   (compare French line)
 1. P-K4   P-K4	    (1.	P-K4   P-K3  )
 2. Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3   (2.	P-Q4   P-Q4  )
 3. KtxP   P-Q3	    (3.	PxP    PxP   )
 4. Kt-KB3 KtxP	    (4.	Kt-KB3 Kt-KB3)
 5. P-Q4   P-Q4	    (5.	B-Q3	     )
 6. B-Q3   Kt-B3??

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