Chess Board
[ECO code D30]
QGD. to FRENCH DEF. (Diemer-Duhn G.)
Black declined White's QBP gambit and pushed his KP out to defend his QP in the orthodox manner.
White advances his King's Pawn to an undefended centre and invites its capture, playing the Diemer-Duhn, an unorthodox (ie. rarely chosen) gambit that arises more via the French Defence. W-Alt.
    White  Black    Transp.White Black
 1. P-Q4   P-Q4	    (1.	P-K4   P-K3)
 2. P-QB4  P-K3	    (2.	P-Q4   P-Q4)
 3. P-K4!?	    (3.	P-QB3	   )

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