Chess Board
[ECO code C50] Do not scroll the screen..! Move Move Move Here Move Here Move Here
White is building an attack against Black's KB2(f7).
Black quits the "Épine Dorsale" with an irregular Q-side Knight move to Q5(d4) that purposely violates development principles! A gambit (leaving Black's KP unguarded as bait for a trap) named after Joseph Blackburn (1841-1924), greatest British player of the 19th century. B-Alt.
	White	Black
 1.	P-K4	P-K4
 2.	Kt-KB3	Kt-QB3
 3.	B-B4	Kt-Q5!?

WHITE to Move or Undo or Jump or Clear
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Chess Board

White moves King's Knight:

KtxKt (Nxd4) or KtxP (Nxe5) ?

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