The information contained in this site has been built up from a variety of sources,
including a number of good books which are recommended for further study:
- Chess Coaching
- (John Littlewood, 1991, Crowood Press)
- Chess For The Fun Of It
- (Brian Harley, 1945, Cheltenham Press)
- Chess From Square One
- (Tony Miles, 1979, Bell & Hyman Limited)
- Chess Openings For You
- (Bernard Cafferty, 1979, Batsford Press)
- Chess Openings For Beginners
- (Rev. E.E. Cunningham, revised edition 1951, Butler & Turner Ltd)
- Complete Book Of Gambits, The
- (Raymond Keene, 1992, Batsford Press)
- Complete Spanish, The
- (Alexei Suetin, 1991, Batsford Press)
- Essential Chess Endings Explained Move By Move
- (Jeremy Silman, 1988, Chess Digest Inc.)
- Final Countdown, The
- (W. Hajenius & H. Van Reimsdijk, 1994, Cadogan Books plc)
- Game Of Chess, The
- (H. Golombek, 1954, Penguin)
- Guide To The Chess Openings
- (Leonard Barden and Tim Harding, 1976, David McKay Inc.)
- How To Play Chess
- (Emanuel Lasker, repr.1995, Cadogan Books plc)
- Learn Chess: A New Way For All
- (C.H.O'D. Alexander and T.J. Beach, 1987, Pergammon Press)
- Instructive Modern Chess Masterpieces
- (Igor Stohl, 2001, Gambit Publications Ltd)
- Modern Chess Openings
- (ed. Nick de Firmian, 14th edition 2000, Batsford Press)
- Modern Chess Openings
- (Griffith and White, 8th edition 1952, Pitman)
- Modern Chess Primer, The
- (Rev. E. E. Cunnington, 12th edition 1928, Routledge & Sons Ltd.)
- Modern Ideas In The Chess Openings
- (I.A. Horowitz, reprinted 1972, Cornerstone Library)
- New Traps In The Chess Opening
- (Al Horowitz, 1964, Arco Publishing Company Inc.)
- Oxford Companion To Chess, The
- (David Hooper and Kenneth Wylde, 1992, Oxford University Press)
- Pan Book Of Chess, The
- (Gerald Abrahams, 1965, Pan)
- Play Chess
- (William Hartston and Jeremy James, 1980, BBC)
- Play The Queen's Gambit
- (D. Marovic, 1991, Maxwell Macmillan Chess)
- Right Way To Play Chess, The
- (D. Brine Pritchard, 1990, Elliot Right Way Books)
- Tactics In The King's Indian
- (Genady Nesis, 1992, Batsford Press)
- Teach Yourself Chess
- (Bill Hartston, 2nd ed. 1996, Hodder & Stoughton Ltd)
- Winning Chess Openings
- (Bill Robertie, 2nd edition 2002, Cardoza Publishing)
- Your First Chess Games
- (A.J. Gillam, 1993, Batsford Press)