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ChessOps - Bibliographical and Other SOURCES

The information contained in this site has been built up from a variety of sources,
including a number of good books which are recommended for further study:

Chess Coaching
(John Littlewood, 1991, Crowood Press)
Chess For The Fun Of It
(Brian Harley, 1945, Cheltenham Press)
Chess From Square One
(Tony Miles, 1979, Bell & Hyman Limited)
Chess Openings For You
(Bernard Cafferty, 1979, Batsford Press)
Chess Openings For Beginners
(Rev. E.E. Cunningham, revised edition 1951, Butler & Turner Ltd)
Complete Book Of Gambits, The
(Raymond Keene, 1992, Batsford Press)
Complete Spanish, The
(Alexei Suetin, 1991, Batsford Press)
Essential Chess Endings Explained Move By Move
(Jeremy Silman, 1988, Chess Digest Inc.)
Final Countdown, The
(W. Hajenius & H. Van Reimsdijk, 1994, Cadogan Books plc)
Game Of Chess, The
(H. Golombek, 1954, Penguin)
Guide To The Chess Openings
(Leonard Barden and Tim Harding, 1976, David McKay Inc.)
How To Play Chess
(Emanuel Lasker, repr.1995, Cadogan Books plc)
Learn Chess: A New Way For All
(C.H.O'D. Alexander and T.J. Beach, 1987, Pergammon Press)
Instructive Modern Chess Masterpieces
(Igor Stohl, 2001, Gambit Publications Ltd)
Modern Chess Openings
(ed. Nick de Firmian, 14th edition 2000, Batsford Press)
Modern Chess Openings
(Griffith and White, 8th edition 1952, Pitman)
Modern Chess Primer, The
(Rev. E. E. Cunnington, 12th edition 1928, Routledge & Sons Ltd.)
Modern Ideas In The Chess Openings
(I.A. Horowitz, reprinted 1972, Cornerstone Library)
New Traps In The Chess Opening
(Al Horowitz, 1964, Arco Publishing Company Inc.)
Oxford Companion To Chess, The
(David Hooper and Kenneth Wylde, 1992, Oxford University Press)
Pan Book Of Chess, The
(Gerald Abrahams, 1965, Pan)
Play Chess
(William Hartston and Jeremy James, 1980, BBC)
Play The Queen's Gambit
(D. Marovic, 1991, Maxwell Macmillan Chess)
Right Way To Play Chess, The
(D. Brine Pritchard, 1990, Elliot Right Way Books)
Tactics In The King's Indian
(Genady Nesis, 1992, Batsford Press)
Teach Yourself Chess
(Bill Hartston, 2nd ed. 1996, Hodder & Stoughton Ltd)
Winning Chess Openings
(Bill Robertie, 2nd edition 2002, Cardoza Publishing)
Your First Chess Games
(A.J. Gillam, 1993, Batsford Press)

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