Chess Board
[ECO code A10 > 39] Do not scroll the screen..! Move Move Move Move Move Move Move Move Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here
White advances his (her) Queen's Bishop's Pawn avoiding early centre occupation. The English (a flank opening) is nowadays the third most popular championship opening move - non-developing, but White usually plans to develop his/her QKt-B3(c3) behind it next. Black is invited to fill the centre with his KP, although several transpositions into Queen's Gambit and QP openings are also possible. W-Alt.
	White	Black
 1.	P-QB4

BLACK to Move or Undo or Jump or Clear
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Chess Board

BLACK moves Queen's Knight's Pawn:

P-QB4 (b5) or P-QB3 (b6) ?

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to cancel this choice of moves

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Chess Board

BLACK moves Queen's Bishop's Pawn:

P-QB4 (c5) or P-QB3 (c6) ?

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to cancel this choice of moves

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Chess Board

BLACK moves King's Pawn:

P-K4 (e5) or P-K3 (e6) ?

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Chess Board

BLACK moves to QB3 (c6) with:

Knight (b8) or Queen's Bishop's Pawn (c7) ?

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