A Queen's Pawn Game is the general term for any opening where
both sides commence P-Q4 (the "Close Opening") but
without an early P-QB4 follow-up (ie.
Queen's Gambit) by White. If there is no
1..P-Q4 reply, a QP. Opening (qv.) is usually described
by the immediate defence adopted.
Queen's Pawn Games can greatly vary, but a typical positional opening
as apparent by move 2wb (shown left) can
lead to a Stonewall System.
Although seen less often in tournaments, it is a good opening for
beginners to study as both sides follow correct
principles of development
with equal chances resulting. The less easy
Queen's Bishop Game sees White use a
London System. |
Yet the immediate effect of 1.P-Q4..P-Q4 is also to free both
queen's bishops for development, and a group of consequent early
"B-KKt5" opening attacks also exist, notably with the
Trompowsky Opening and the
Torre Attack.