Chess Board
A rarer White initial path system that can be used against any defence except the Dutch (1..P-KB4). It began to show up in the repertoire of chess masters in the 1950s, mainly due to Black's success with the King's Indian Defence, and combines an "Indian" KB fianchetto with P-Q3, P-K4 and a QBP unmoved until middlegame, and often arises by 5.P-Q3 following the Barcza System (qv.), but can also particularly arise from the French, Caro-Kann and Sicilian Defences.
1.Kt-KB3, 2.P-KKt3, 3.B-Kt2, 4.0-0,
 5.P-Q3, 6.QKt-Q2, 7.P-K4

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