Chess Board
[ECO group B > C] Do not scroll the screen..! Move Move Move Move Move Move Move Move Move Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here Move Here
White's King's Pawn strikes at the centre and frees his KB and queen. KP openings vary so much that they are only described by the attack or defence used after early moves along the "Épine Dorsale" (or Dorsal Fin). Play tends to bring sharp, tactical positions. Defences without 1..P-K4 in reply (eg. the Sicilian, the French) are called "semi-open" as they produce a mixture of close and open play. W-Alt.
	White	Black
 1.	P-K4

BLACK to Move or Undo or Jump or Clear
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You can do better than that! Try another move!!

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Chess Board

BLACK moves Queen's Knight's Pawn:

P-QKt4 (b5) or P-QKt3 (b6) ?

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browser "back" button
to cancel this choice of moves

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Chess Board

BLACK moves Queen's Bishop's Pawn:

P-QB4 (c5) or P-QB3 (c6) ?

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browser "back" button
to cancel this choice of moves

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Chess Board

BLACK moves Queen's Pawn:

P-Q4 (d5) or P-Q3 (d6) ?

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browser "back" button
to cancel this choice of moves

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Chess Board

BLACK moves King's Pawn:

P-K4 (e5) or P-K3 (e6) ?

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browser "back" button
to cancel this choice of moves

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Chess Board

BLACK moves to QB3 (c6) with:

Knight (b8) or Pawn (c7) ?

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browser "back" button
to cancel this choice of moves

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Chess Board

BLACK moves to KB3 (f6) with:

Pawn (f7) or Knight (g8) ?

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browser "back" button
to cancel this choice of moves